The Many Recent Donations of Van Horn Automotive Group

We have recently made several donations to important groups in our local area. They don’t all come with a story long enough for their own post, but we thought we’d share them with you all together in one post!

In early September we attended the Sheboygan County Fair, where every year they hold the Sheboygan County Animal Meat Sale. Van Horn Automotive Group purchased a Hog that weighed 266 pounds! The meat from this hog was donated to the Sheboygan and Plymouth area United Way.

On November 6th, St. John the Baptist Christian Women in Plymouth WI will be holding their annual Holiday Craft Fair, Raffle, Bake Sale and Silent Auction! The proceeds from this event are given to the St. John the Baptist Church, and School. Van Horn Auto donated a clock for this event.
We also recently donated a Camaro clock and a Corvette cooler to the Plymouth Lions Club for one of their events.

We are in the giving spirit all year long, stay tuned for more great ways that Van Horn Automotive gives back to our community through participation in events, fundraising, sponsorships, and activism!